Thanksgiving needs to be more than just one day a week. It needs to actually be a daily event. The LORD is so good to us. He daily loads us with benefits. The fact that you are reading this is not just one blessing, but many. You are alive, you have eyes, you can read, you have access to a computer, you have electricity, you have air to breath, you have food to eat and drink to drink to be able to sustain you, and so much more.
God's Word is full of references on giving thanks to the Lord. One of my favorites is Ephesians 5:20, "Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." Sometimes it is hard to obey this verse, but just make yourself do it. It is amazing how much better you will feel about the situation.
So, Happy and Blessing Thanksgiving to one and all. I hope that you will begin to celebrate thanks giving every day.