It has come to my knowledge that there are several ladies in my church who are living with depression. I am so sorry. But this is an opportunity for us to pray for one another, encourage each other, and grow in our relationship with the LORD. What a blessing.
One thing that I would like to say to those of you who are living with depression...don't allow it to rule your life. Don't allow it to become a crutch. What do I mean? Satan and self would love for us to stay away from church and from Godly fellowship with others. Pride tends to rise up and make us believe that we can't go to church or be with our Godly family. We tend to feel that we aren't good enough and think that others will think less of us if we aren't "perfect". I know, because I tend to believe those lies that I tell myself. The only reason that I believe we should spend time alone, is if we are fully and completely overwhelmed by the depression and will spend that quiet time in prayer and in God's Word. Otherwise, it becomes easier and easier for us to make excuses to not go to church nor to take part in Godly fellowship. Hebrews also says that we are not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. We need each other. Personally, I know that I need you. I love my sisters and brothers and just seeing you at church and at Life Group is a tremendous encouragement to me always.
So, will you join me? I thank God for you, and I thank God (by faith) for Him allowing me to live with depression...and to know that there are others who live with it also.