Matthew 5:23-24; 6:12; 18:21
Acts 24:16 I Timothy 1:5, 19
1. RESTITUTION MUST ALWAYS BE A BLESSING: never a curse or burden. What
God commands you to do will always end in a blessing. It should not be
attempted until you are certain it will bless. Timing is so important. Don’t
rush recklessly. We are to edify each other.
2. RESTITUTION RESULTS IN LOVE: It should cause more love for teach
other than you had before. Full joy comes when restitution is proper and
3. RESTITUTION IS A MATTER OF OBEDIENCE: Don’t sin by disobedience and
expect God’s blessing. Restitution evidences to man that a transaction has
already been made with God. Be committed to making restitution when needed, in
God’s timing.
circumstances to bring restitution about. In some situations there is no doubt
or question about immediate action. In others, God needs to take the
initiative. Begin by resting the case with God. Pray, “Lord, I am personally
willing to make restitution and will allow you to take the initiative in
preparing the way.” When He does, then you need to act accordingly. It is just
as important that the Lord prepares the other party to receive you as it is you
being willing to go to him. As you are prayerfully tuned to the Lord, He will
make it clear. Sometimes the reception may not be to your liking, but when you
move in God’s way, it will be the way He planned to bring about His results in
His timing.
party is in need of a “bridge” on which to cross from his self-centeredness
into positive obedience to God. Your example and making the move in his
direction may free him to honestly face his own need in a way he has desired
but has not been able to fulfill. In some cases merely your moving toward him
“preaches” a powerful and convicting sermon to his soul, though that is not
your motivation in going.
6. RESTITUTION IS ALWAYS UNILATERAL: always one-sided. Never look for
the other person to take the blame or even share in the blame. Restitution is
specifically a matter of settling my wrongness. It deals only with my blame, my
wrongness, in a given matter and must never be related to the possibility that
someone else was implicated in my wrong. It is dealing with the attitudes of my
own heart that even allow the situation to remain.
By understanding my sole responsibility to make restitution, I may move
straight to the issue, avoiding the snare of thinking that I must first
establish a certain kind of delicate treaty with the other party. God’s work in
another like is his business, though Satan will tempt me to share God’s
responsibility. Therefore, leave the other party with god. Do your part. Be assured
that if God asks you to do it, He will not only create the circumstances, but
He will also provide the resources needed for you to carry it out.
7. RESTITUTION IS NEVER “IF”: It is never predicated by the statement,
“If I have offended you,” or “If I have hurt you.” The “please forgive me if I
have been an offense” type restitution will never settle anything or produce
God’s results. If restitution deals with my blame, then it must be that I have
offended, hurt, or allowed a bitterness to remain. It then should be, “Please
forgive me. I am sorry and ask your forgiveness.”
the point you ask for forgiveness, you are not responsible or guaranteed a
positive “right” response. Commit that to God.
ANY BROADER: Deal with God alone about private sins of the mind and body, These
should never be included in restitution. When the other party knows nothing
about it, deal only with God. Never say, “I have had some bad thoughts about
you” or “I resented you” or “I have had lustful thoughts toward you and I want
you to forgive me.” Go to the other party only when they clearly know about the
situation because they were involved in it. If you have shared these thoughts
or feelings with a third party, go to them and let them know you have made this
situation right with God. Go no further under any circumstances. Some have
created thoughts in the other party’s mind that were not there previously and
created a further problem, resulting in continued bitterness and resentment.
Private lustful thoughts expressed to the other party can generate the same
thoughts in that person’s mind and precipitate a sinful immoral relationship.
Be very careful.
Though private sins, some people feel strongly that they must say
something to the person even though it is not necessary and he know nothing
about it. If you are strongly compelled that this is necessary, always be
positive, speak in love, edify, and make tangible expressions that confirm your
love. Never say, “I am sorry for resenting you, please forgive me.” Say
something like this, “I just want you to know that God has put so much love in
my heart for you that I have never loved you more than I do right now. There
have been times I should have loved you more, but I thank God for giving me so
much love for you now.” Follow with tangible acts that confirm your love for
him, build him up, and bless his life in Christ.
Personal sins affecting you and another person must be dealt with at
that level alone.
Public sins affecting a large group or an entire church need to be made
right on whatever level of people it affects. Always be as broad as the offense
but not any broader!
OF GOD: In giving public testimony, restitution brings glory to God only when
it exalts what Christ has done rather than magnifying the situation itself. In
the light of everything else discussed, personal testimony can be given. It
then is not a matter of “hanging out dirty linen in public”, but rather an
expression of the praise to God’s glory in deliverance. Others then rejoice by
your testimony in that God has performed a “miracle” rather than in your
elaboration all the details. Only when the glory goes to Jesus will people be
blessed and the church edified.
1. On matters of personal morality (immorality), be sure to consult
your pastor or spiritual advisor before acting in andy direction.
2. Never pressure a person to respond. If he is unwilling to forgive,
ask him to contact you when he is ready.
3. If the sin occurred before salvation, deal with everything the Holy
Spirit reveals.
4. Aside from matters of personal morality (immorality), the general
rule is to deal person-to-person. If impossible, telephone. Letters, emails,
etc. should be the last resort.
5. If you have any questions at all about the what, when, why, how, or
even if restitution should be made, consult your pastor or spiritual advisor.
Don’t with when it is too late you had gotten the right advice. You cannot
always recover the damage.
This has been copied from the flier put out in 1990 by the Canadian
Revival Fellowship.