I have been enjoying our Sunday school lessons. Our ladies' class has been studying from the book "Really Bad Girls of the Bible" by Liz Curtis Higgs. This last week we were reading about the woman taken in adultery that was brought before Jesus. (see John 8:1-11) Not that I can identify with her, except for the fact that Jesus says to her in verse 11, "..., Neither do I condemn thee:..." I too am not condemned by the LORD. Romans 8:1, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."
As a person who struggles with depression, it is easy for my brain to condemn myself. When I feel the worst, is when my stupid self-talk says to me that I am no good, that I am a failure, that even God condemns me. But as a person who is saved and who has the Truth, I must constantly tell myself the truth in love. And the truth is God's Word. What a blessing to see that I am not condemned because I am in Christ Jesus. That is the Truth (no matter what I think!)
Good Post Miss Alice.