Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pain and Prayer

    It has been a while since I did any blogging. I started back to work in September but had to take medical leave the end of the same month. My fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue became unbearable. It was really hard to walk away from the job I love so much. And it was even harder to humble myself and go to the doctor. I have never wanted to be a "drug addict" and knew that the only thing that would help my suffering would be some new medications. The Lord gave me comfort and reminded me to trust in Him. He also encouraged me to remember that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and that I am to glorify God with my body, as well as my soul and spirit. I don't belong to myself!
    So, I dragged my precious husband along with me to the doctor's office. (I needed the support.) The doctor did give me some new medications to try, and scheduled a bunch of tests. A week later, I learned that I have extremely low levels of vitamin D and thyroid T-4. (No wonder my "bones hurt" so much.) Now, after two weeks, I am feeling so much better. I have stopped one of the medications because the side effects were just too much. But the medication for my thyroid and the other for the fibro pain, are wonderful. I haven't been this pain-free in years.
    I am not supposed to go back to work until the beginning of December, but I am hoping that I can return sooner. It is up to the Lord.
    So, what is the Truth and Blessing from this experience? The truth, of course, is that every Christian's body belongs to God. If He decides that it is time for pain, even if it is for a long time, we should just rejoice and trust in Him. I know that there are times when I complain about this condition, but I have also realized that this is a blessed time to be able to pray. And I do pray. Much more than I ever have before. So, that becomes the blessing. We are so blessed to be able to talk to the Creator of the whole universe, whenever we want, about whatever we want, and where-ever we want. WOW!!! WHAT A TRUTH AND BLESSING.

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