Friday, June 22, 2012

Corrupt Communications

Ephesians 4:29, "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers."
Corrupt: (Strong's Concordance) rotten, worthless, bad, corrupt.
Communication: (ibib) something said (including the thought)...

About a month ago I was reading through the book of Ephesians in the Bible when the verse above just really convicted me. Actually it was the Holy Spirit that convicted me through this verse. (Whatever!) For some wicked reason I have had a real problem this year with how I talk to my beloved husband. There was a whole lot more complaining coming out of my mouth that I could imagine. (Sin comes in so many ways. And the enticements are so irresistable at times.) I hated that I was being such a nag and such a complainer. I would hate myself whenever I realized what I was doing, but it seemed like I couldn't help myself. I tried to blame it on one of the medications that I take for my fibro. (One of the side effects is that it causes irritation to the brain and can make you feel more angry.) But I wasn't taking that much of this medication anymore because of that side effect. So, I couldn't use it as an excuse. Then I tried to blame it on my spouse. That he was deliberately doing things that he knew irritated me. But he wasn't doing anything new. So, I couldn't use that as an excuse. Then I tried to blame all the extra pain that I am in, but I have been in pain before and haven't been this sinful. So, that excuse didn't work either.

Plain and simple...the only one to blame...myself. I had chosen to sin by the actions that I took. And the Holy Spirit lovingly, but boldly showed me my sin through Eph. 4:29. (I love it when He does that.) Right then and there, I confessed and repented of my sin, put my full trust once again in the Lord, and have chosen to obey His Word.

In doing the further "research" in the Strong's Concordance on the Greek meanings of the two words obey, I am further convicted that my communication isn't just what I say but also what I think. So, I choose to obey this verse fully. Let NO corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is GOOD to the use of edifying (building up and encouraging), that it may minister grace to the hearers."

So, what are you saying? What are you thinking? Is it good? Does it edify the hearer of it?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Four steps

My daughter told me that I need to do a new post on my blog. That it has been too long...and she is right. I should post as soon as the Lord gives me an idea, because if I don't, then I forget what it was I meant to post. But this time, I remember because it is a new truth that I am trying to not only learn but to also implement in my life.

In our church's Bible Institute, the instructor was talking about how to have change and real victory in our lives. So, I want to share that with all of you.

It is easy to read the Bible and then think, "Oh, I needed that. I am going to do that in my life." or "The Lord is showing me that I need to stop doing this other thing." We can read God's Word and have the very best of intentions. We can even memorize verses that we think will help us. But it takes more.
I know in my own life that there have been many times when the Holy Spirit has encouraged me to start doing certain things. I have tried, but then it seems to fall by the wayside.
So here are the four steps that we were taught in Faith Bible Institute:

1. You need to read the Bible. You can never know the will of God for your life if you aren't in His Word.

2. You next need to believe the Bible. James is pretty clear that if you don't have faith, you won't succeed.

3. The first two steps are where most of us do just fine. But we must have this next step and that is to yield to the Holy Spirit as He speaks to you through the Bible. You have to yield your rights and expectations. You must yield to the Lord control of whatever area He is desiring.

4. This one seems simple enough, but it isn't. You now need to obey the Word. (I also add that you need to rightly divide the Bible so that you do not try to apply to your life instructions that do not apply to you. Those of us who have accepted Jesus Christ as our Saviour need to keep our focus on the books written by Paul. He is the apostle to the "church".)

I would also add that you do not need to be "hyper obedient" to be righteous. You already are righteous when you accept Christ in your life. It is His righteousness that becomes your righteousness. What God wants is for us to be more and more like His Son. He wants us to love one another and be His ambassadors in all that we do. And one more thing that I want to need to confess your sins. If there is something that the Holy Spirit shows you in God's Word and if it has been a sin in your life, then before you try to change, you must confess your sin. And of course, whatever you do, you must pray. Prayer allows you to realize that you can do all things through Christ which strengthens you.