Friday, March 15, 2013

Rainbow ramblings

I just felt like doing something different in this post. I don't know why I chose gray as the background color, especially since I hate the color gray. I chose a dark red color for the type and guess I thought it would look good against a gray background.

So, now I have decided to do a different color scheme. This one reminds me of springtime and sunshine and new life and Easter...which is coming really soon. I love this time of year and I love yellow. It is my favorite color.

Okay, let's see how this one looks. This is maroon with pink. I also love dark pink, not hot pink, just a deep pink. Whenever I wear pink, I think I look healthier. It is one of those colors that just looks good on me. Yes, I am a girly girl and love girly girl colors.

I had a massage this afternoon and my therapist and I were talking about how much we enjoyed ourselves on our separate vacations to Arizona. She was talking about how blue the sky is down there and I was remembering the blue of the Arizona sky when I picked this color scheme. I wish I was back in AZ sitting by the pool and looking up into that blue, blue sky. Paradise.

I didn't think the color scheme would change, but it did. Another season that I love is Autumn. I love the deep earth tones that Fall represents. Dark reds, shades of orange, browns, yellows, and deep green. The only bad thing about Autumn is that is signals the coming of colder and wetter weather especially here in western Washington.

Let's get back to Easter time colors. They are the happiest of colors to me. Easter represents new life and overwhelming love...from God to all of us. Easter, the Resurrection Day. Jesus Christ died on the cross, shedding his blood and giving his life to pay for our sins. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. That whosoever believes in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. Easter Sunday, way back in 1976, was when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. Will you accept Him this Easter?

I hope you have enjoyed my rainbow blog. God loves you and there is nothing that can ever change that fact. Do you love him? Do you seek to please him? Jesus said that if we love him, we will keep his commandments. His commandments: to love the Lord our God with all our heart and our neighbor as ourselves.

Friday, March 8, 2013


My darling daughter told me again today that I hadn't posted on my blog in a looooong time. She's right. I just haven't felt like it, or I have been too busy, or too tired because I had been too busy. But now that the house is almost completely back to normal, and because I am on a guilt trip, I will post on my blog.

We went to Arizona for a month and loved it. I truly did not want to come home. And then I had a really hard time once we did come home because all I wanted to do was to go back to the warm sunshine of Arizona. So, instead of going back, we got busy doing house work. We pulled up all the rugs and carpets. I had so much fun pulling out staples from the floor. We painted the three bedrooms, the family room, the kitchen, the hallway, and one wall in the dining room. We would have painted the living room and the rest of the dining room, but we were just sick and tired of it. (The main bathroom will still need to be done during the summer.) 

Because of all the work we did to the house, we basically moved everything into the garage for six weeks. It was kind of nice to have an empty house. Made it much easier to clean.

Once we got the painting done, we had the new carpet installed. (We love it.) We decided that it was also time for new trim in the bedrooms since the old stuff had been there since the house was built in 1979. So, we got the wood and stained and varnished it ourselves. That was fun. I love working with real wood.
We cleaned everywhere and everything. And then it was time to bring the junk back in the house. I have gone through all of it and am getting rid of so much stuff. But there still seems to be a ton of junk. Oh well, I thank God for all of it. He is the One who allowed us to earn the money in the first place so that we could purchase what we own.

What is the Truth and Blessing? Well, first off, I have a wonderful husband and daughter. They did so much to help me around here. Second, that everything we have comes from and belongs to God. Thirdly, this world is not my home. Even though I love so much that which is here on the earth, it is nothing compared to the love that I have for the Lord and the home He is preparing for me. Can't wait to get His time.